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For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty

Wednesday 19 February 2025, 2.00pm

Well Located Dairy Support Unit

Country & Co are proud to market "The Gree", which is located in South Hillend and owned by the Dunlop family since 1932. Historically the property has grown very high yielding crops of wheat, barley and cocksfoot seed, along with 42 years of breeding high performance recorded sheep.

Infrastructure consists of a three stand woolshed and covered yards, six bay implement shed, two bay hayshed, high pitched machinery shed/workshop and storage shed. The vendor is retaining some adjoining land and could make available use of cattle yards and a further 9ha to lease.

The property has been operated as a specialist dairy support operation for ten years, with the water scheme upgraded at this time. The Lessees have treated the property as their own and it is in extremely good heart with good fertility and clean pastures.

This property will impress with the well-balanced soils and stunning mature shelter throughout. Contact the sole agents for further information.

Land Area

149 ha

Nearest Town

Winton, 16km
Invercargill, 49km

Primary School

Limehills, 7.4km

Secondary School

Central Southland College, 16km

Freezing Works

Lorneville Alliance, 42.1km


Lorneville, 40.2km

Present Condition (areas approximate)

Currently all in permanent pasture with there being no crop. Property will be left all in permanent pasture at settlement, if purchasers wanted winter crop there maybe the ability to nominate/establish themselves.

Contour Description

Flat to soft undulation.

Soil Types

Well balance strong soils that consist of Braxton, Pukemutu, Jacobstown and Makarewa

Average Rainfall

1,100ml – 1,200ml


Clean of noxious weeds.

Water Supply

Sourced via neighbors bore that has registered easement which is approx. 20m in depth. Water system was upgraded in 2014 to be capable of dairy grazing, this included new lines and cattle troughs. 50mm mainline with 40 and 32mm laterals.


Good fertility with latest tests showing averages of pH 5.93 and Olsen P 27.75.

Access and Roads

External access is off Hishon Road. Internal access consists of a lane from the infrastructure hub to the top of the farm.

Supplement made on Farm

80 - 150T of silage season dependant.

Farm Buildings

3 stand raised board woolshed and covered yards, six bay implement shed, two bay hayshed, high pitched machinery shed/workshop that is 2/3rd concrete and storage shed. Vendor is retaining part of the farm which has cattle yards on it of which will give access too.

Silage Pits and Pads

Concrete silage pad just South of the bridge that has a mature shelterbelt on the West of it.

Shelter and Trees

Outstanding mature mixed species shelterbelts throughout the property, a real feature of the farm.

Current Stock

Approximately 260 calves, 260 heifer calves and 50 MA beef cattle.

Crop Yield

Fodderbeet, 22 - 24T
Swedes, 14T.

Shay Moseby
Shay Moseby

Rural Salesperson

P03 218 8959
M027 268 6879

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