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For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty

Friday 7 March 2025, 2.00pm

Gavenwood Forestry - Carbon and Timber Asset

On behalf of Gavenwood Forestry Limited, Country & Co Realty Limited in partnership with Bayleys, are proud to offer to the national and international market, 490 hectares of freehold land (Subject to Survey), with this mixed age forestry asset of 351.8 hectares net stocked area.

The forestry block consists of Pinus Radiata that ranges from 1 - 5 years old, with 149.5 hectares in the stock change and 195.8 hectares in the averaging scheme. Gavenwood Forestry contains some fenced areas of QEII and native podocarp forest which not only gives the farm nice aesthetics but holds significant indigenous vegetation values. The vendors have been in a process to simplify, reduce costs and to align the blocks back into one FMA read, of which the forest will all be owned in one entity, with no forestry rights prior to settlement.

The property is located in the Caroline Valley, a well known and reliable agricultural area with good annual rainfall, being in close proximity to sawmills and 98km from Bluff Port. The highlight of the property is that there has been significant investment into this forestry asset, which minimises risk to any potential purchaser, in comparison to greenfields.

Care and thought has been invested in establishing this forest, with generous corridors providing for current and future access. All establishments were managed by Forestry Management Limited to a high standard. Thought has been given to future harvest with a potential development of a paper road at the western end of the property, which would be beneficial to future harvest costs.

Sale is by Expression of Interest Closing 7th March 2025 at 2.00pm.

Land Area

490 ha

Shay Moseby
Shay Moseby

Rural Salesperson

P03 218 8959
M027 268 6879

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